Thank you for those who serve.
Thank you for all our veterans, those who chose to serve my country and serve me as part of the armed services. Thank you for those who serve right now. I know that too often I take my safety and freedom for granted, and I forget that there are so many who have given a piece of their lives for that purpose.
Thank you for first responders, for law enforcement and firefighters and paramedics, on whom we count when we need help the most, and who are agents of your order, and your assistance in the midst of chaos.
Thank you for teachers and attorneys, medical staff and physicians, car mechanics and CEOs, professionals whose leadership and skill make our lives so much better. Thank you for salespeople and flight attendants, waitstaff and grocery checkers and customer service clerks, smiling faces and voices that seek to make my life more pleasant. Thank you for dishwashers and chefs and custodians, for box packers and manufacturers, for all those who work unseen in the “back of house” so that what I need and want will be available to me.
Oh my goodness, there are so many people who serve me in this interdependent world. I pray that I may hear your call of service to serve them in return. Make me your humble servant. Amen.