Our inside-out habits: We pray. We study the Bible. We make friends. We tell our stories. We give ourselves away in generosity and service.
From the time I was little, I said “I can do it myself!” I don’t take any telling, because I know the answers all by myself. I am the helper, not the helpee. If I work a little harder or think a little more or behave a little better, I can make it right. But God, it seems that the more I try to do it myself, the further I wander away from you. I should know that your desire for me is that I count on you. Your intention for me is that I live in a relationship of total dependence on you. And every once in a while, something comes along and knocks me down, reminding me that sure enough, I can’t do it myself at all. In fact, even when I thought I was doing it myself, it was really you who made anything good come to pass in my life. God, there may come a day when my faculties wane and I can do very little for myself, just as was the case when I took my first breath. Your reminders of our utter dependence come as bookends to life. Perhaps then I finally will understand completely your love and care for me.
God, teach me to turn to you and count on you every day in every way. Show me the way I am to go on the paths of righteousness. Chase me down as the one lost sheep, wandered away from the ninety-nine. Put me on your shoulders and carry me home. Give me everything I need. I will learn to count on you, and accept your salvation.
In the name of Christ, I pray, Amen.
This Sunday in Worship!
Finally, we feel the action shift in the world of the prophet Ezekiel, and our These Bones Shall Live sermon series. This week, we hear God’s promise to bring the exiles back home, and to rule the restored nation of Israel as their shepherd King. We will wave our Palm branches and sing Hosanna to the king. It is going to be a marvelous happy Sunday. Come and join us.
Invictus, by Howard Goodall This Sunday night, March 25, 7:00 in the Sanctuary:
St. Luke’s Chancel Choir presents the world premiere of Invictus, by Howard Goodall, a “passion” in music, reflecting on the story of Jesus’ suffering and the cross in our world. St. Luke’s Friends of Music commissioned this work with funds from special gifts, and we are so privileged to have Mr. Goodall with us to conduct our choir and orchestra in the presentation. Goodall, from Great Britain, is an award-winning composer of choral music, stage musicals, film and TV scores. You can find more information here.
This Sunday is our Palm Sunday Family Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt, 11:00 – 1:00 on the Blanton Field. The Egg Hunt kicks off right after 11:00 worship so scurry over right after the service so we can start as soon as folks all get there. More details here.
I hope you are making plans to be a part of our Holy Week experiences – Sunday night’s Invictus presentation, Maundy Thursday’s communion services, Good Friday services (including one geared for children grades K-5), Saturday’s Anticipation of Easter in the Chapel, and a service for children at our Gethsemane Campus, and of course Easter Sunday morning! Bring friends and family to be a part of these powerful and uplifting services. The whole schedule is here: https://storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org/easter/. Our Easter Offering this year is Plant With Purpose, an organization that is doing some really cool things to fight poverty and empower people to provide for themselves around the world. Check it out here.
Sunday, March 25
Heavenly Father, you loved us so much that you gave your only son as a sacrifice for our sins. What a gift! Help us to share the gift of grace with others who need to come to know you and your son. Amen.
Monday, March 26
God of all things, we are thankful that you are a God who cares about our petitions and hears our prayers. Thank you for answering our prayers according to your will. Amen.
Tuesday, March 27
Heavenly Father, we pray that you would hear our most fervent prayers. Grant us a peaceful confidence that can only come from you, and send us into the world with your light shining through us. Amen.
Wednesday, March 28
Almighty God, you know each of us by name, and you know what is on our hearts. Today, we pray that you would speak to us and place your will upon our hearts. Help us to be still and listen for your voice. Amen.
Thursday, March 29
Heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the gift of enjoying music and the ability to use it to praise you. We thank you for all of the musicians and choir members of St. Luke’s. Bless them as they prepare to make beautiful music for Easter Sunday. Amen.
Friday, March 30
Gracious God, as we remember how Christ suffered and died on the cross for our sins, let us be in prayer for those who are suffering in today’s world. Heal our sickness and addictions, forgive our sins, grant justice for those in need, set the oppressed free, and heal our hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Saturday, March 31
Our Heavenly Father, we give thanks for your love and forgiveness. We know that even though we disappoint you, you still love us, still forgive us and will continue to give us inspiration, will and strength to overcome our shortcomings. We give thanks each day for your forgiveness of our sins, and that we have the opportunity to begin anew, another opportunity to please you and another opportunity to spread your teaching by living our lives as you taught us. We pray this in your son’s name. Amen. -Prayer by Wanda Schaffner
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