A City Transformed By the Love of Jesus

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” The Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. …These twelve Jesus sent out…
Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5a

And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven… –Revelation 21:2

The Bible’s story of God’s love for us begins in a garden but it ends in a city – the City of God. Here at St. Luke’s, all in our family of ministries share the same vision – A City Transformed by the Love of Jesus.  We believe we are here for a reason: to be sent by Jesus, motivated by his love, to bring about God’s preferred future for the city in which we have been placed, and to invite people to be a part of the City of God.

The City of Houston – Our primary mission field
Houston, Texas is our primary mission field.  God tells the prophet Jeremiah to “seek the welfare of the city to which I have sent you.” (Jeremiah 29:7) God tells the prophet Isaiah that the people will return home to Jerusalem and be “repairers of the breach, and restorers of streets to live in.”  (Isaiah 58:12)  Houston is our home, and we love this city, and our calling is to be an instrument of its transformation both socially and spiritually.

The City on a Hill – the Church
Jesus tells us that we are “the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”  (Matthew 5:14)  Our vision is a community that models the love of Jesus in the way we love one another.  All are welcomed here, and we seek to show the world what Christian love looks like.  St. Luke’s is to be a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.

The City of God – God’s ultimate future
We believe that one day, God will restore his creation, that the broken places of the world will be healed, and that all will know of Jesus’ love for them.  We strive to be a tangible sign to all, pointing them to the hope they have in Christ.

To Equip Families and I
ndividuals To Live and Love Like Jesus

And Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fish for people.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him.  –Matthew 4:19-20

Jesus didn’t give us a rule book. Instead, he said, “follow me.”  He invited his disciples, and you and me, to let him show us how to live, to let him show us how to love others. So, in order to accomplish our vision of a city transformed by the love of Jesus, this is the mission of St. Luke’s church.


Paul writes to the Ephesians that God gave the Holy Spirit to the church “to equip the saints (you and me) for the work of ministry.”  (Ephesians 4:12a) While it is the Holy Spirit that changes lives, it is our mission to provide the resources for participants in our ministry to grow and use their gifts in service.


Jesus reached out to all kinds of people.  Everybody is welcome at St. Luke’s church, and God has a purpose for each one of us. We help people to move forward on their Christian journey, from cradle to grave. We feel a special calling to support families in the work of shaping the next generation of Christians. This is the business of everyone in our church, as we seek to build relationships across generational lines.


Jesus invited his disciples to “Follow me.”  He took disciples along on his travels to show them a particular way of life, a particular way of loving others, all the way to the cross. He called on them to live and serve and love as he did. We believe this is the way God uses us to help realize the vision – a city transformed by the love of Jesus.


Being the Church in a Changing World

Love our City | Radiate Christian Leadership into Our Communities

But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.” … And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed and broke them and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. Luke 9:13,16

We will develop leaders and send them into their communities to lead transformational change.

  • Grow and strengthen Christian leadership development opportunities, including
    • Working faith: to integrate faith and work for those in the career phase of their lives.
    • Rooted: to grow Christ followers of all life stages, equipping them to lead like Jesus and transform their families, their community and Houston.
  • Launch a coalition of Christ-centered non-profit and church outreach partners for training, volunteers, community needs assessment, and spiritual support.
  • Develop a holistic transformational community for youth in Gulfton/Sharpstown at our youth center.
  • Initiate the “Love our City challenge”, inviting people to identify and commit to how they use their spiritual gifts to Love our City.

Expand our Table | Invite New People to Join our Mission

Then the master said to the slave, “Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

We will embrace an inclusive and invitational posture to engage new people.

  • Develop branches to be a model of an invitational and inclusive culture and community, both for St. Luke’s and for our city.
  • Create a series of attractional events and speakers to encourage an invitational culture among congregants.
  • Contract with outside resources to develop a comprehensive communications plan for telling St. Luke’s story to our community, leveraging our strong ministries (children, student, discipleship, outreach, worship, music and fine arts, caring) to reach new people.
  • Cultivate relationships and discipleship through online ministry and engagement.

Strengthen our Foundation | Reinforce Key Processes and Effectiveness

Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives…. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required, and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded. Luke 12:48,43

We will develop the human, financial, and technological resources necessary for the growth of the church and the success of current and future ministries.

  • Identify, call, equip, and deploy leaders for teams and groups in all ministries.
  • Clarify and implement clear processes and playbooks to love and disciple the people of our congregation, engaging them in ministry, and inviting them to take their best next step.
  • Develop new conversations with the congregation around generosity, including planned giving, SMART and targeted giving, and congregational education and transparency.
  • Invest in appropriate technology to achieve our goals.


St. Luke’s cares about your spiritual journey and wants you to grow constantly in your love for Jesus, for one another, and for the world. We believe these all work together to bring about the kingdom of God in our hearts, lives, city, and world.

Hearts transformed by a relationship with Jesus

We experience a relationship with Jesus as the core of the Christian faith. It is the motivation for all we do.

Lives transformed by Christian community

We build authentic, caring community and experience spiritual growth in small groups and teams.

Our city transformed by our service and witness

We demonstrate our faith and share Jesus’ love by serving others in our community and world.


Many organizations have values. At St. Luke’s church, we believe that values must be put into action, so our values are translated into five habits, designed to transform us inside the church that we might take God’s love outside the church.

We pray and worship
to build a closer relationship of love with Jesus Christ.

We study the Bible
to dig deeper and learn everything we can about God’s love.

We make friends
because lives are changed in community.

We tell our stories
to share with others how God is still at work in the world.

We give ourselves away in generosity and service
as apostles, sent by Jesus to be the good news in the world.



St. Luke’s is a whole family of ministries, united by the Vision: A City Transformed by the Love of Jesus. St. Luke’s Church Council and other governance committees have responsibility for oversight of all the ministries in our family, as well as the relationship with our ministry partners. Each ministry has its own mission, target constituency, and leadership team, all working toward the same vision.


St. Luke’s United Methodist Church was founded on June 14th, 1945, in Houston, Texas. The first service was held on November 11, 1945, in the Lamar High School (Houston, Texas) auditorium. On December 23, 1951, St. Luke’s moved from Lamar High School to the current location at 3471 Westheimer, Houston, Texas. On September 27, 2009, St. Luke’s merged with Gethsemane United Methodist Church. On February 22, 2015, The Story Houston was launched with the specific mission of reaching non-religious Houstonians. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church of Houston, Texas, is a member of the Texas Conference within the United Methodist Church.

Senior Pastors

Dr. Durwood Fleming (1945-1961)

Dr. J. Kenneth Shamblin (1961-1976)

Dr. Walter L. Underwood (1976-1984)

Dr. James W. Moore (1984-2006)

Dr. Thomas J. Pace (2006-Present)


The Church Council is subject to and reports to the Church Conference and is the general governing body of St. Luke’s. The Church Council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness and resources for St. Luke’s.  It will also envision, plan, implement and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of St. Luke’s. If any person is unable to fulfill any position elected at the Church Conference, this Council may fill such position until the next Church Conference. The Chair of this Council shall preside over meetings in partnership with the Senior Pastor. This Council shall meet at least quarterly and as scheduled by its Chair.

Chair/Lay Leader Lance Schuler*
Chair-Elect Kelly Beth Hapgood*
Past Chair/Chair SPRC Kristin Reynolds*
Secretary Ken Blanchard*
Treasurer Jan Johnson*
Chair, Advancement David Ahlquist*
Chair, Board of Trustees Carol Wood*
Vice-Chair, Lay Leadership Cindy Koester*
At-Large (2024) Carter Dugan
At-Large (2024) Cindy Donaldson
At-Large (2024) Linda Goehrs
At-Large (2024) Robbie McDonough
At-Large (2025) Carl Mueller
At-Large (2025) Doug Pitts
At-Large (2025) Katie Scallan
At-Large (2026) Chris Coffman
At-Large (2026) Scott Disch
At-Large (2025) Kari Greenwalt
Senior Pastor Tom Pace*
Executive Director Jennifer Gould*
Executive Pastor Katie Montgomery Mears*
Pastor, branches Colin Bagby
Director of Finance Stacey Brewer
Campus Director, Gethsemane Julie Ellerbrock
* Members of the Executive Committee

The Advancement Committee is charged with ensuring that St. Luke’s UMC has the financial and other resources necessary to fulfill its mission and that the mission and programs are effectively communicated to the congregation and broader community.

Chair (2025) David Ahlquist
At-Large (2024) Ryan MacLeod
At-Large (2025) Ben Lehrer
At-Large (2025) Liz Scofield
At-Large (2026) Eddy De Los Santos
At-Large (2026) Carin Thorn
Director of Advancement Anne Culver
Senior Pastor Tom Pace
Executive Director Jennifer Gould
CC Chair (Ex-Officio) Lance Schuler

The Lay Leadership Committee is charged with identifying, developing, deploying, evaluating and monitoring lay Christian spiritual leadership for St. Luke’s UMC.

Chair/Senior Pastor Tom Pace
Vice Chair (2025) Cindy Koester
At-Large (2024) Jeff Chapman
At-Large (2024) Chrissie Humenny
At-Large (2024) Steve McCarthy
At-Large (2025) David Ladewig
At-Large (2025) Ashley McDonough
At-Large (2026) Morgan Davis
At-Large (2026) Murphy Moellers
At-Large (2026) Will Monroe
Executive Director Jennifer Gould
Executive Pastor Katie Montgomery Mears
Campus Director, Gethsemane Julie Ellerbrock
Dir. Of Connecting Ministries Jamie Broach Byrd
Chair, Church Council (Ex-Officio) Lance Schuler

The Finance & Operations Committee provides stewardship of St. Luke’s financial resources as well as counsel and oversight of St. Luke’s operations.

Chair/Treasurer (2024) Jan Johnson
Chair, Church Council/Lay Leader Lance Schuler
Chair, SPRC Kristin Reynolds
Chair, Board of Trustees Carol Wood
Chair, Advancement David Ahlquist
IT Team Leader Mark Hawkins
Facilities Team Leader Christy Wussow
At-Large (2024) Jeff Byrd
At-Large (2025) Don Sinclair
At-Large (2025) Clay Williams
At-Large (2026) Jack Foster
At-Large (2026) Rich Gould
Senior Pastor Tom Pace
Executive Director Jennifer Gould
Director of Finance Stacey Brewer

The Staff Parish Relations Committee will reflect biblically and theologically on the role and work of the pastor(s) and staff as they carry out their leadership responsibilities including to assist the pastor(s) and staff in assessing their gifts, maintaining health holistically and work-life balance and setting priorities for leadership and service.

Chair/Past-Chair CC (2024) Kristin Reynolds
Chair CC/Lay Leader (2025 SPRC Chair) Lance Schuler
Chair-Elect CC (2026 SPRC Chair) Kelly Beth Hapgood
At-Large (2024) Kristie Trice
At-Large (2024) David Swift
At-Large (2025) Tom Moore
At-Large (2025) Erin Manning Verducci
At-Large (2026) Jacquelyn Cox
At-Large (2026) Tina Melo
Senior Pastor Tom Pace
Executive Director Jennifer Gould
Director of Human Resources Madeline Beem

The Board of Trustees shall provide supervision, oversight and care of all real property owned by St. Luke’s.  The Board of Trustees serves as the board of directors of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church of Houston, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation, which represents St. Luke’s legal existence.

Chair (2024) Carol Wood
At-Large (2024) Jason Knecht
At-Large (2024) Dana Weaver
At-Large (2025) Bob Mueller
At-Large (2025) Scott Pullen
At-Large (2025) Alan Ytterberg
At-Large (2026) Katy Gragg
At-Large (2026) Audrey Pesek
At-Large (2026) Brad Tucker
Senior Pastor Tom Pace
Director of Finance Stacey Brewer

The Church Conference shall be convened at least annually. The Church Conference is the connecting link between St. Luke’s and the General Church and is the ultimate governing body of St. Luke’s. The Chair of the Church Council shall call the Church Conference to order, and the District Superintendent shall preside.

St. Luke’s is a connectional church that is part of the United Methodist Church and the Texas Annual Conference, whose mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world to the glory of God.

Lay Delegates to Annual Conference

Jamie Broach Byrd Jeff Creel Robbie McDonough David Swift
Steve Carroll Nick Earles Joel Mohrman Christy Wussow

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