Our inside-out habits: We pray. We study the Bible. We make friends. We tell our stories. We give ourselves away in generosity and service.
God of mercy,
I confess…
I say that to you often. I confess… Do you get tired of hearing it? Do you get tired of hearing about the same old sins, over and over? Do you grow weary of my weakness, annoyed by my failures at real repentance, worn out by my words imploring you to come in and save me from myself?
You know, when my kids come to me and tell me they need me, it makes me feel good. It tells me they trust me. It lets me know that our relationship is open and honest enough that they feel like they can speak the truth without fear. Perhaps you feel the same way about my confession. It is ironic, God, because the more I confess, and the more I am open and honest with you, the closer to you I feel. I don’t feel your judgment; I feel your love. The more I realize I have missed the mark, the more I recognize just how dependent on you I really am. The more I ask for your mercy, the more I am overwhelmed with it. Maybe that is what you really want more than anything!
So God, I confess to you again today. I confess how difficult it is to hold back my judgment of others. Too often I look with contempt on people who disagree with me, people who inconvenience me. I pronounce judgment on the person I don’t even know, driving too slow or too fast. I confess to you my lack of self-awareness about my own faults. I confess to you my self-centeredness and self-absorption.
Forgive me, and help me. I need you. “God, be merciful on me, a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)
Among the most gratifying things about being a part of St. Luke’s is the number of children I see in the halls, particularly down in our children’s wing. We are committed to surrounding them with a community of love, shaping them to become disciples, and sending them out as apostles into the world. All the research on faith development shows that a key difference maker in whether faith “sticks” in the life of a child after he or she is grown is how many non-parent adults, across generations, are invested in them. This Sunday from 10:30-12:30, on the Fellowship Walk outside and the “Ellipse” (the round grassy courtyard at the south end of the church) you are invited to “Come Grow With Us,” a fun time to find out more about Children’s Ministries and how you might join in support and prayer, regardless of whether or not you have children, for the children with which we have been entrusted by God.
“My Child, You Are…” Sermon Series
This Sunday, we continue our sermon series on a Biblical Anthropology. What is it that we want the children of our church to know about themselves? Part of our job as a church is to form a Biblical core identity in each and every person, each and every child of God, no matter the age. Each week, we will look at one of four key components of that identity, and reflect together on how we can help form it in one another. This week, we consider “My Child, You Are…Imperfect.” How can we become more self-aware of our own limitations and failures, and recognize our need for God’s grace. Come and join us.
This Saturday night, May 5, is St. Luke’s Pure Sound Fiesta and Auction. It will be held from 6:00-9:00 pm at the Southside Place Club House. There will be Food and Music and Great Auction items at a party for Cinco De Mayo.This funds scholarships for singers for Pure Sound Youth Choir retreats and tours. More information here.
“He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and regarded others with contempt…” –Luke 18:9
Whom do you trust to tell you the truth about yourself? Who are the people you look down upon?
Sunday, April 29
Eternal God, most frequently we have to see something to believe it. Grow us in our faith so that we believe in you which will open our eyes to see you. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Monday, April 30
God above, I know that you must look down on our world and shake your head at times. We get caught up in man-made rules that dictate our priorities. We ask, Lord, that you would help us to balance our lives so that our activities reflect you to the world. Help us to seek you and your Kingdom work first. Amen.
Tuesday, May 1
Lord, Thank you for all the gifts you have blessed us with, the fellowship, and an opportunity to feed hungry community members. May your love be with us forever. Amen. -Prayer by Raj Desai
Wednesday, May 2
Heavenly Father, Be with those who are facing uncertainty. Give them assurance that you are at work in all things. Help them to feel your presence and fill their hearts with your everlasting peace. Amen.
Thursday, May 3
Father God, We thank you for your blessings on our church community. We pray that we would love each other unconditionally, without judgement of our ideas and opinions. That we would spend time in groups getting to know each other, because it is hard to dislike someone you spend time with. Bring us together in love. Amen. -Prayer by Becky Browder
Friday, May 4
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this wonderful day. There seems to be so much division not only in the United States today, but also in the world. Through your love and grace, Lord, let us be reminded that we are created in your image and we should love each other as you love us. In Jesus’ holy name, we pray. Amen. -Prayer by Shane Harlow
Saturday, May 5
Te agradecemos amado Senor por todo lo que has hecho y continuos hacienda en nuestra vida. Nuestro deseo es ver tu gloria en cada aspecto de nuestra vida. Danos la gracias de ser una iglesia que impacte nuestra generacion con tu amor y tu palabra. Dejanos vivir en avivamiento todos los dias de nuestra vida. Por Jesus, Amen. -Prayer by Rev. Roberto Blanco
We thank you beloved God for all you have done and continue to do in our lives. Our desire is to see your glory in each aspect of our lives. We give you thanks that we are a church that impacts our generation with your love and word. Let us live in revival all the days of our life. In Jesus, Amen
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