This Sunday, I will recommit my life to being your follower. I pray that you will show me the steps I need to take to follow you. You know my desire to live the way you taught us to live. You know my desire to be an instrument of your love. But too often, my desire remains just that – a desire only. I know what I am to do, but I don’t do it. Forgive me. Fill me with your Spirit that I might walk the walk, one step at a time. Show me what is the next best step for me; then give me the courage to commit to that step and take it. And then, O God, let me take another and another and another, persevering in faithfulness. When I fall short and fail, draw me gently back to that journey, knowing you will not abandon me no matter what. You promise me that I will be blessed if I will just give it a try. Amen.
This Sunday is Commitment Sunday at St. Luke’s. In our morning worship services, we will have a time of recommitment of our lives to following Christ and advancing his Kingdom. If you are a member of St. Luke’s, you should have received a packet titled “Glorifying God through Generosity.” Inside is a booklet with some important information and a commitment card to support St. Luke’s ministries in 2019. You can also look at the information and make a commitment online here. Please take a look, and prayerfully consider your giving to St. Luke’s in the upcoming year. We use all of the information to make decisions about ministries and projects we want to undertake. This Sunday, we will dedicate those commitment cards at the altar in all of our worship services. If you are not ready to make a financial commitment, or have done so online, please come to worship anyway and let this week be a time for a commitment or recommitment of your life. I believe that commitment will make all the difference.
This Sunday, we conclude our series of sermons “Show Me: the Letter of James,” with a message called “Be A Doer.” We will consider how important it is to actually take some action as Christians. If you are ready to take some action, here are some important possible ways to serve. Click here and scroll down.
This Sunday night, October 28, at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary, Jim Roman, St. Luke’s new associate organist, and his wife Grace, will present their recital of “And Music Shall Untune the Sky.” (This was postponed a few weeks ago when the organ was out of commission!) It’s free, with a goodwill offering that benefits Friends of Music.
Sunday, October 28
Heavenly Father, Scripture tells us that you have great plans for us, but sometimes we choose a different path. Forgive us, Father, when we fail to do what you have called us to do. Help us to learn from our past mistakes, and give us the courage to step out in faith to follow the path you have laid out for us. Strengthen us to move out of our comfortable habits and to make the most of the opportunities that you place before us. Amen.
Monday, October 29
Loving God, we spend a lot of our prayer time telling you our needs for ourselves or for others. Today, I am going to spend time being still and listening for your voice. Speak to me, O Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, October 30
Almighty God, we sometimes get weary and overwhelmed with the things of the world. Give us your strength and power to make a difference, and renew our spiritual fervor each day. Amen.
Wednesday, October 31
Heavenly Father, we pray that you would protect us from the evil in the world. Help us to seek you and your ways, and help us to always look for ways to make the world a better place. Amen.
Thursday, November 1
Heavenly Father, I come to you in thanks for all your blessings, the ways you love us, your mercy, and the gift of your forgiveness. I am thankful for your unconditional loving kindness. Father, please give me the insight and awareness to find you in each of my days. In your Holy name I pray, Amen. -Prayer from Koinonia
Friday, November 2
Dear God, thank you for all the blessings that you provide to us every day. It is through the sacrifice of your Son that we are able to find grace and forgiveness in you. Thank you for this church and the people who attend it. The people and the church make a huge difference in the lives of people. Please open our minds and soften our hearts so that we might be more in touch with your will. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Saturday, November 3
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the abundant blessings we enjoy in America. We thank you for freedom, opportunity and the ability to worship you. We ask for wisdom and your guidance that we may make the most of these blessings. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
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