At St. Luke’s we’re committed to studying the Bible and we’re happy to provide daily resources for you to do so.  Start your day with a passage of scripture and a brief message from St. Luke’s pastors and leaders. Choose from written devotionals or inspirational videos.


St. Luke’s has a variety of small groups and classes through which people dig deeper and learn everything they can about God’s love. These range from groups of about 12 people who meet regularly to pray, study the Bible, and enjoy fellowship to in-depth studies focused on a wide variety of topics, including Bible study, theological studies, Christian living and spiritual growth. We also offer affinity groups through which you can make friends, tell your story, and give yourself away. For more information, please contact Kathy Neely at kneely@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org or call her at 713-402-5139.


Scripture + Shared is a church-wide Bible Study ministry with materials written by St. Luke’s clergy launched every fall and spring for 6-10 weeks. The studies feature daily and weekly readings, as well as a video lesson.

You can access the current and archived studies by downloading the Scripture + Shared app or by clicking here.



Join in community on Sunday mornings to study, serve and journey together! Not sure which class to try? Stop by the Connection Desk on Sunday morning or contact Louise McEvoy at lmcevoy@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org for guidance. Classes expect new visitors every week, feel free to visit whenever you’re ready!


Cornerstone – 9:45 a.m. ES301 (third floor, Johnson Education Building) Married couples, mid 20s to mid-late 30s, some with young children. Join other married couples as we grow together in discipleship. This community takes an honest, faith-based approach to living out your marriage in a way that glorifies God and brings joy to your family. The class also participates in service projects and social gatherings together. Self-taught discussion format.


Common Ground – 9:45 a.m., ES311 (third floor, Johnson Education Building) Parents of school-age and college-age children. This vibrant class builds strong relationships through regular social gatherings, service projects and spiritual growth through fellowship and worship together. Lessons involve a wide variety of topics and are often self-taught by class members. Members of the class are mainly 40+ and have kids in elementary, middle, high school and college. This is a very social class that enjoys getting together for the annual Christmas party, Crawfish boil, and small group dinners.

Families in Faith – 9:45 a.m., ES309 (third floor, Johnson Education Building) Couples in their 30s, 40s and 50s, with school aged children. Each week, this class dives deeper into the previous week’s sermon, discussing and exploring how it relates to our lives throughout the week. Frequent socials, service projects, and family-friendly events make up the life of Families in Faith.

Fellowship – 9:45 a.m., ES306 (third floor, Johnson Education Building) Married couples in their 30s and 40s, parents of children of all ages. Members strive to grow in their faith through fellowship and sharing life experiences. This class follows biblically-based studies designed to promote individual growth, build relationships and strengthen the family.

Refuge – 9:45 a.m., ES314 (third floor, Johnson Education Building) Parents in their mid-30s to mid-40s with kids in Children’s Ministries on Sunday mornings. Weekly lessons are facilitated by class members, cultivating a place for all to grow spiritually and develop close Christian friendships. Families will have the opportunity to participate in regularly scheduled social events and service projects.

Gene Decker Study – 9:45 a.m., EN205/206 (second floor, above the Rotunda) Couples and singles, predominantly in their late 50s -70s. A caring and socially active class, we enjoy thought-provoking lessons on a wide range of topics including the intersections of Bible study, theology, and current issues. Frequent social gatherings, service projects, and an annual sojourn to the Hill Country provide additional opportunities for deepening relationships. Visitors are encouraged to come by and enjoy fellowship, coffee, and donuts each Sunday morning.

Genesis – 9:45 a.m., EN207 (second floor, above the Rotunda) Mostly couples, ages 50s through 70s. Faith issues relating to life experiences and Bible studies in a lecture/discussion format are taught by a mix of other teachers and leaders from the church. Regular social and service projects are emphasized.

Good Will 9:30 a.m., Rotunda (first floor, between Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall)– All ages, couples and singles, gather in the Rotunda for fellowship and study. In addition, those unable to attend in person may participate by Zoom with links published in the weekly e-Pistle newsletter which you may receive sending your e-mail address to good_will_slumc@sbcglobal.net. Bible and Faith-in-Life topics in a lecture format are taught by Richard Ethun and visiting teachers. The class sponsors service events, including quarterly dinners for residents of Texas Medical Center’s Hospitality Apartments, class socials, and participates in Outreach, offering volunteer and financial support, including the Christian Community Service Center.

Randy Smith Bible Study – 9:45 a.m., Parlor (first floor, northwest corner, near Fellowship Hall) Couples and singles, ages 50 to 85. This large class meets in a caring atmosphere for Biblical study. Often marked by spirited discussions, the lessons are led by Hank Coleman and Jim Henderson.

Open Arms – 9:50 a.m., EC220 (second floor, above Hines Baker room) Couples or singles, ages 40s to 80s. Are you looking for spirited discussions of scripture and Bible topics?  If so, then Open Arms is for you! Joel Mohrman and Steve McCarthy teach our class, but class members regularly participate and offer new insights.  Outside of class, we enjoy social gatherings in both homes and restaurants. We also offer service opportunities and have even sponsored a refugee family. We welcome you to join our very friendly class!

Agape – Sundays at 9:45 a.m., Hines Baker Room. Led by Katie Brown and Mark Sumrall.
If you’ve been interested in Sunday School but you’re not able to attend every week, making it hard to commit, join us for this new class! It’s for everyone, so come learn and grow with this intergenerational group. Hope you will join us!



Join our young adults for small group opportunities, lunches twice a month, and monthly meetups! Please contact Katie Brown at kbrown@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org for more information and follow us on Instagram at @youngadults_slumc.


9:45 a.m. ES301 (third floor, Johnson Education Building)  Married couples, mid 20s to mid-late 30s, some with young children. Join other married couples as we grow together in discipleship. This community takes an honest, faith-based approach to living out your marriage in a way that glorifies God and brings joy to your family. The class also participates in service projects and social gatherings together. Self-taught discussion format.




Connect with Young Adults at the Epworth League
Dinner and Worship Service
6-9 p.m.
The Epworth League is a city-wide ministry for 18-to-35-year-olds to provide community, foster discipleship, and equip leaders to love their neighbors and serve the Kingdom of God through local United Methodist churches. We’ll join together in this time to be especially intentional about praying for our city and our world.  Follow on Instagram @epworthleaguetx. Contact Ginny@famhoustontx.org.


What do seniors want after retirement? The same things they have always wanted…the things everyone wants.
To be useful. To help others. To learn. To have friends. To belong. Learn more.


Busy Moms’ Bible Study
Thursdays │11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. | Room ES309

Led by Lori Fahrbach and Rev. Katie Montgomery Mears
Striking a balance between work, motherhood, and all of the other things that fill up our lives can be tough. Join Lori and Katie on Thursdays at lunch time for encouragement and meaningful discussion about our faith. Contact Adrian Chandler at achandler@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org to make a childcare reservation.
Register Here

Moms of Littles Bible Study
Tuesdays │ 9:30-10:30 a.m. | Room ES309

Led by Cindy Donaldson & Louise McEvoy
Want to join a community of other moms to share in the joys and hardships of motherhood? We just were not made to do it alone. Together is better. Come find a place to find friendship, community, resources, and support as we grow in our faith together. Contact Adrian Chandler at achandler@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org to make a childcare reservation.
Register Here

Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays beginning August 27 │ 12-1 p.m. │ Gethsemane Campus

Led by Julie Ellerbrock
We are super busy; yet, we all need time with Christ and time with each other as we journey through motherhood and life. This commitment is simple – just come. The conversations are rich. The studies are impactful. The relationships formed are life-changing.
Register Here


Go With Grace
Thursdays, resuming September 5│10-11:15 a.m. │Hines Baker Room
Led by Rhonda Ward
The fall study is 1 Timothy – the faith of the earliest Christians is very much like our contemporary faith, a matter of tension between our Christian identity and a generally social and cultured people. The lesson is a verse-by-verse study each week, with thoughtful discussion on Paul’s mentoring letter to Timothy. A class with no homework – bring your Bible. Attend as your schedule allows.
Register Here

Women’s Night Circle
3rd Tuesdays (except July) │ 6:30-8 p.m. Online and In Person
This multi-generational group of women are committed to study, prayer and projects that benefit women and children. All women of the church are welcome. The gatherings rotate between the Westheimer campus and member’s homes. Fellowship with light refreshments begins at 6:30 p.m. and programs presented by outside speakers or members follow at 7 p.m. A supportive prayer Circle is shared at each meeting. Contact Linda Goehrs for more information.
Register Here


“Moving On; Leaning In”
Wednesdays, September 18-November 20 │6:30-7:45 a.m. │ Fellowship Hall
All of us, should we be blessed enough to live long enough, go through various life stages, from childhood to adolescence, young adulthood to middle age, retirement to old age.  Each of these seasons contains its own challenges – physical, social, emotional, and spiritual.  What does the Bible teach us about these phases of life, and how we can learn from each one?  What do we have to share with others about what we have learned along the way?  How can we lean into whatever God has next for us, rather than hold onto yesterday by our fingernails?  Come join us for Men’s Life each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, September 18 to November 20, as Dr. Tom Pace shares insights from scripture, science, and experience.  More importantly, you can reflect on and share with others lessons from your own life journey.

Register Here

Click here for Men’s Groups

Manly Men


Our work matters to God and God matters to our work.

Through Working Faith, St. Luke’s is working to erase the Sunday-Monday divide. It is our prayer that folks will begin to see their careers as a way that God will build the kingdom. We hope to engage and impact people all over Houston, not just those who already call St. Luke’s home.

Learn more about Working Faith  here