Our purpose is to build a spiritual foundation in each child that will last a lifetime.
Our vision is for you to see your role in fulfilling our baptism covenant response:
“We will surround these children with a community of love and forgiveness.”

Sunday Worship for Children

We are so delighted to welcome your children!

Nursery care is available all morning for ages 2 months-23 months.
We also offer before and after Sunday School care for ages 2–PreK.

Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. for children 2 years–5th grade.
Children’s Church for grades K–5 is at 11 a.m.

Connect With Us

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Programs and Events


Register for VBS here.

Children’s Ministries offers frequent opportunities for children and families to serve organizations in our community.

The Parenting Center at St. Luke’s provides programming for parents on topics such as Parenting the Love & Logic Way, technology safety, difficult topics such as death of a loved one or divorce, social challenges with peers, emotional and physical growth and changes, as well as faith formation for parents throughout the week. Contact Lori Fahrbach.

Throughout the year, children ages 2– kindergarten and their families meet on the playground after Sunday School for fun and games, providing the opportunity for parents of similarly-aged children to form friendships with each other. Contact Liz Coit


Pre-K (4 yrs. old by September 1)and Kindergarten
Our youngest children sing in JoyfulNoise!, directed by Julie Osterman

Grades 1-5
Elementary school children sing in SundaySing!, directed by Jane Long and Megan Kessler.

All these choirs sing and ring in worship several times a year, as they become ready. Contact Jim Roman for more information

SundayRing Our children’s handbell choir for grades 3-5 rehearses on Sundays at 3 p.m. Directed by Jane Long. Contact Justin Bair.

Study music with some of the best teachers in Houston. Our instructors have advanced degrees from leading universities and conservatories in Houston and across the country, as well as exceptional performing experience around the globe. Bridges Academy currently offers lessons in piano, voice, violin, cello, guitar, percussion, flute, and clarinet. 

Visit the Bridges Academy web page for more information and registration.