I remember when I felt that full fire in my belly, and I charged out the door every morning ready to change the world. I confess that sometimes now, God, I find myself coasting, hoping for easy rather than world-changing. I remember when I leaned forward toward the next exciting thing God had in store for me. I confess that sometimes now, God, I resist change and prefer to stay comfortable.
Still, it seems that as I have grown older, my steps have become more consistent, more disciplined, more steady. I am coming to understand that I am to be focused on who I am becoming rather than what I am accomplishing. You sent your son to set us free from the guilt and power of our sin, and to clothe us in his righteousness. You gave us your Holy Spirit to transform us, so that we might become just like him.
God, rekindle the flame within me, not that I might change the world, but that I might embrace the transformation you bring to your world and to my own life. By the power of your Holy Spirit make me more loving, more just, more full of truth. Let me take hold of that which you have given me in Christ Jesus.
This Sunday is Graduating Senior Sunday, and we will recognize graduating high school seniors in our 11:00 service, and hear testimonies to how God has worked in their lives. Please come to support them, but more importantly come to be inspired and find hope in what God is doing in and through the next generation.
This Sunday, May 5, we begin a new series of sermons called “Living Forward.” Do you live backward, continually reminiscing about the good old days? Or do you live sideways, looking at what other people are doing and comparing yourself to them? Or…do you live looking forward, leaning into whatever God has in store for you? During the month of May, St. Luke’s will consider how we can embrace tomorrow as it comes and live to yearn for whatever God has in store for us in the days ahead. In this first week, our title is “Pressing On.” Come and join us.
This Sunday, from 4:00-5:30 is Coffee with the Pastor. If you are not a member of St. Luke’s, I would love to spend this time talking with you about St. Luke’s model for ministry, as well as introduce you to some other St. Luke’s folks and talk about how you can join and be more involved.
As the school year draws to a close, help us show gratitude to teachers who are shaping our city’s future leaders. Come to the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 on Saturday, May 11, for our May Saturday Serve to assemble treats for the faculty members at St. Luke’s partner schools. Contact Madeline Beem at mbeem@storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org.
Sunday, May 5 Heavenly Father, we pray for our youth who are nearing the end of this school year. We pray You bless them with courage, tenacity, and discipline to successfully complete their final exams and projects. We pray for a smooth and exciting transition for those students moving from elementary to middle school, from middle to high school, for those making their way to college, and for the youth entering our nation’s workforce. Lord, be with them as they find their way in this world and give them the strength to lead with your love and guidance. Amen. -Prayer by Michele Byington
Monday, May 6
God, thank you for the reassurance that you will always be with us. Even when we are uncertain about what lies ahead, help us put our trust in you. Be with us to remind us that your will for our lives is better than anything we can hope for or imagine. Praise to you, Lord, for your faithfulness. Amen.
Tuesday, May 7
Heavenly Father, throughout Scripture, you tell us the importance of our words. You created the world through the word, you tell us to use our words to build each other up, and you tell us that gracious words are sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Help us to remember to use our words in ways that are pleasing to you. Amen.
Wednesday, May 8
Lord, we pray for all those whose families are hurting, that they will find their strength in you to support each other through their differences with unconditional love. Amen. -Prayer by Karen Garrido
Thursday, May 9
God, Proverbs 11:2 tells us that “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” We confess that we oftentimes take credit for all the gifts and successes that you have given to us. Help us to remember that you are the giver of all things good, and help us to acknowledge you as the source of our gifts in all that we do. Amen.
Friday, May 10
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the PM Pals ministry. Thank you for all the generous and selfless volunteers. Thank you for the fun and joy that happens on those Friday evenings. I pray that you bless the families that participate each month. Amen.
Saturday, May 11
Lord, 1 John 4:18 tells us that “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” Thank you, God, for your gift of perfect love through your son, Jesus Christ. Help us to remember that when we are afraid, you are holding us and caring for us. Guide us to feel your safety and security in our lives. Amen.
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