Dr. Tom Pace, Dr. Tom Pace lll, Senior Pastor St. Lukes UMC, Sr Pastor St Lukes


I am so grateful to have lots of moms in my life – my own mom, the marvelous mom of my children, the amazing moms of my grandchildren, the spiritual moms who have shared their faith with me along my journey and who still pray for me and for my family, and the loving and caring moms in our congregation who like to “mother me.” These are all people who have chosen to give themselves away, investing themselves in my life, sharing a piece of their lives with me. I am so grateful to be loved and to have people to love. Those are the things moms are for.

I know you see me as an individual, a son whom you love, one person traveling forward on a journey you have called me to take. But all around me, there are people who need to be loved as a mother would love, people who are hungry to experience your love made tangible in me. Over and over in scripture, you make it really simple. It is ALL about love. Jesus said it. Paul said it. John said it. Peter said it. When will I get it? Help me to see that I am not here for myself, one man pursuing my own private agenda for myself, but rather that as a part of something bigger, a community of people you have created to represent you as your body, giving glory to your name by showing others what love looks like. I am not alone the body of your son Jesus Christ; we are your body together. So I need you to show me how to put my own needs and desires aside so I can be a part of your body. I need you to show me how to really love. Amen.

This Sunday, May 12, we continue our series of sermons called “Living Forward.” Do you live backward, continually reminiscing about the good old days? Or do you live sideways, looking at what other people are doing and comparing yourself to them? Or…do you live looking forward, leaning into whatever God has in store for you? During the month of May, St. Luke’s will consider how we can embrace tomorrow as it comes and live to yearn for whatever God has in store for us in the days ahead. This week, our title is “Holding Hands,” and we will talk together about how having others alongside us (including moms) matters as we move forward on our spiritual journeys. Come and join us.

Sometimes the summertime gives us opportunities to begin some new personal spiritual disciplines. Perhaps this summer you would like to begin a more structured study of the Bible. Consider signing up for the Bible in 90 days, or Bible 101. You can do that by going to storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org/group-life.

Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Mothers. Thank you for birth mothers, adoptive mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, and mother figures who bring love and care into our lives. We pray that you would pour out your richest favor and blessings on them today and always. Help them to know how much they are loved and appreciated. Amen.

Monday, May 13
Father, thank you for the gift of forgiveness. Help us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. And help us to forgive ourselves. Let your unconditional love show us the way.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 14
Heavenly Father, in a world where evil exists, we pray for your divine protection from the evil one. We pray, God, that you would hold us close to you and purify our hearts so that we may seek good and grow your Kingdom here on earth. Amen.

Wednesday, May 15
Dear Lord, thank you for all you give to us every day! Please be with and help those who are hurting and lonely. Help them to find and maintain a relationship with you and your son, Jesus Christ. The sacrifice your son made has opened the door and paved the way for all of us broken and sinful people to find your grace and forgiveness even though we do not deserve it. Thank you for this day! In your son’s name, we pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 16
Oh God, open me up to your truth and hope and love. Please carry me through this day, for you are my strength and song. Help me to show your sacrificial love to all I encounter. In Christ’s blessed name I pray. Amen. -Prayer by Michelle Frazier

Friday, May 17
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for beautiful spring days and the promise of new life. Grant us time to spend with you in peace enjoying this wonderful world with which we have been blessed. As we enjoy the wonder of your creation, may we grow closer to you.  Amen.

Saturday, May 18
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ who showed us how to love and live. Help us to follow Jesus and to remember 1 Corinthians 16:14, “Do everything in love.” Amen.