Gracious God,
Today, I am practicing gratitude. On days when life seems wonderful, it is easy to thank you for that wonder. On days when I am weary and annoyed, grumpy, and resentful, I pray for the discipline to practice gratitude with even more fervor. This morning, I am grateful.
Grateful for both the sunshine and the rain, for the breath I took first thing this morning, and the sensation of my feet on the ground.
Grateful for shelter in the storm, for a bed in which to sleep, food in the pantry, light and air conditioning and television and wifi and all the things I so often take for granted.
Grateful to be a part of such a marvelous team of staff and clergy.
Grateful for the ministry of Rev. Thomas Harper and Rev. Bill Denham, and for the arrival of Rev. Cliff Ritter to our staff team.
Grateful for church leaders for the last 75 years at St. Luke’s who have built a legacy that honors you.
Grateful for the lay people who remain engaged with the virtual ministries of St. Luke’s, and for their ongoing generosity.
Grateful for a career that helps me provide for every one of my needs, and especially for a job I love to do.
Grateful for a family that is full of love for one another, even when it means distance loving, and even when love is more difficult.
Grateful for health and great medical care.
Grateful for the amazing technology that allows us to stay connected with one another and stay safe.
Grateful for our leaders of city, state, country and world who must make hard decisions balancing economy and public health.
Grateful for those who speak out against injustice of any sort.
Grateful for the law officers and other first responders who keep us safe.
Grateful for those who seek to make a real difference to make the world a better place through their actions rather than just their words.
Grateful for moments of hard conversations, sometimes full of emotion, but flavored with respect and moments of learning from one another.
Grateful for a country where I can believe and speak what I choose, where I can practice my faith openly and enthusiastically, and especially for those who have given their lives so that I may do so.
Grateful for the values of freedom and equity and opportunity that are the foundation of our nation, and for a national spirit that strives to make those values a reality for everyone.
Most of all, God, I am grateful for your son, Jesus Christ, who came to be with your people in the flesh, to show me a new way of life, to remind me of who you are, and who you made me to be.
Today, I am grateful.
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