Rachel Fisher, Children’s Ministries Communications Specialist

Revelation 22:13 (NIV)
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

When asked the question, “What is your favorite type of movie?” I will likely answer with “The sequel.” Not the introduction or the final installment, but the entertainment in between the origin story and grand finale. Most interesting monologue in Hamlet? The opening scene of Act III. Best Star Wars movie? The Empire Strikes Back. Favorite episodes of The Office? Anything in season two.

I love the middle. I love the growth period: the time when people are finding out who they are and work to become who they would like to be. I love the heartache and the failure and the grit and the pride that results from jumping off a starting point but not yet landing at the finish line. 

I like to think God smiles favorably upon our middles. I am a young person who still—Lord willing—has lots to experience. Considering the small number of chapters in my life, however, I can recognize I have been closest to God in my middles…the moments spent outside my comfort zone, not yet certain of how challenges shall be resolved. It is within these clouded vignettes I am forced to reckon with my faith; asking to what I may cling when nothing else makes sense. Because there is no worldly answer of clarity, I turn to my Lord. 

In these times of confusion and turmoil, my father has shared with me the line from one of his favorite hymns, “Lead, Kindly Light:” 

Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

One step at a time, my middle transforms and is no longer scary…instead, it is a source of enlightenment. We need not pray to see the entire way forward, just to have enough faith to carry us onward, toward goodness. God is the Alpha and the Omega: the beginning and the end. With the assurance of a loving and powerful creator, it is then our responsibility to make the most of our place in the middle. And what a glorious, exciting, holy place it can be.

Closing Prayer:
Almighty God, grant me peace in my storms and gratitude in my celebrations. Lead me to that which is good and holy. Help me to navigate this life you have bestowed unto me. Give me any strength I may need during times of uncertainty. Thank you for all the wonderful ways you have provided – and will provide – for me. Amen.