Becky Kidd, member of St. Luke’s since 1979, a founding member of Genesis Class

John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

The verse above is one that is well-known and often referenced in our Christian faith. How wonderful that God’s commandment is all about love! It is never too late to remember God’s commandments and to strive every day to live as God instructed us. God’s creation, our world, and its inhabitants are special and are to be loved. 

We are here to take care of each other. When we show love to others and go the extra mile it goes a long way in forming special relationships and to mirror God’s love for us. I know I feel better when I am kind, smile, and help wherever I can.

One way that I live out the Greatest Commandment is by showing love to a close friend from childhood who was left widowed a few years back. I try to call and check on her from time to time. I know she is lonely and has had a tough time re-adjusting to her new life. I know that it’s important that when we talk I give her time to share as long as possible. I try to encourage her and let her know how special she is and let her know she is loved in so many ways.

The many people we see day in and day out are in need of something like this too—a friend who listens and loves. We do not know what each one has been through or the burdens and pressures they carry. When we reach out in kindness we can make a difference, even when it may not show immediately. The Greatest Commandment is how we can show God’s love to others. This season may we show others God’s love as God loves us.

Dear God, be with each and every one of us as we enjoy the gift of each day you bless us with. Keep us mindful of others and to show our love to others as often as we can. For in showing kindness we hope others will see you through us. Amen.