Rev. Michelle Manuel
You stand at the threshold
A new season has arrived
slowly or quickly
Or both
You’ve resisted it or welcomed it
Or both
The way forward is unclear
uneasiness and unsteadiness
Excitement and anticipation
Floodgates broken by questions
What if?
What then?
Where to?
May you remember there’s always Bread
A sustaining presence
especially if sorrow is near
especially when celebration has come
May you always see the Bread
May the grief not consume you
The Lord holding you steady and safe
Allow it to come
Be it seemingly never-ending
Or simply asking to be acknowledged
May there be gifts along the way
Ones that money and hard work cannot gain
Gifts of the unseen and wonderfully unknown
Presence, fortitude, wholeness
May you be completely capable
Of offering gentleness and kindness
To yourself first
Allowing it then to pour out to others
May the presence of Christ in you
Awaken the longing within others
Living waters pouring abundantly.
May your new season be full
Of breath and life
May an extra measure
of grace come your way
Or better yet,
may you welcome the grace
that’s already there for you
You stand at the threshold.
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