You have blessed me in so many ways. And yet, in spite of those many blessings, I am too often preoccupied with my own concerns. I wonder how I can accomplish the tasks of the day, solve my own problems, and overcome my own obstacles. The core human sin – self-centeredness – seems impossible to overcome. And yet, you have blessed me for a purpose – that I might be a blessing to others and promised me the grace that you might use me despite my fixation on self.
God, awaken me to the needs of others. Crossing my path today, somewhere in my circle of influence, there are folks who are hungry for a blessing, for a word of encouragement, for a gift of resources, for a gesture of affirmation, for a listening ear, for a reason to hope. I pray that I would not see them as interruptions, but rather the primary agenda you have for me on this very day. I suspect that then, my own issues will not seem so important. Amen.
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