28 11, 2017

The Life of Jesus in Israel – A Holy Land Tour

2017-11-29T16:00:28-06:00November 28th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Led By Dr. James Fleming and Hannaniah Pinto and Hosted by Dr. Linda Christians, St. Luke’s UMC  Sept. 28 - Oct. 9, 2018 | $ 5500.00 per person | Round trip from Houston Explore the settings of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Gospels as Jim Fleming and Hannaniah Pinto weave the context of Scripture through history, geography, archaeology and theology. Discover the time, places, customs and physical settings into which Jesus was born.  Follow Jesus as His ministry unfolded around the Sea of Galilee and as He turned His face toward Jerusalem. Israel:  Sept. 28 - Oct. 9, 2018 | Jordan [...]

25 05, 2017

Long Range Planning Committee Aims at Ambitious Goals

2017-05-25T14:56:07-05:00May 25th, 2017|All blogs, News|0 Comments

St. Luke’s Long Range Planning Committee has been at work seeking God’s preferred future for St. Luke’s ministry.  The committee has established eight initiatives as part of our vision for the next five years.  By the end of 2023, St Luke’s will: Overhaul systems for hospitality, engagement, and leadership development Expand strategic communications for traditional worship and all of St. Luke’s ministries Enlarge St. Luke’s outreach ministry, including our work in the Gethsemane parish Grow the Story Houston as an integral part of St. Luke’s mission Strengthen and grow our Encounter [...]

22 02, 2017

Some Reflections on our American Conversation

2017-03-28T14:55:11-05:00February 22nd, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace, News|0 Comments

Friends, I have been thinking and praying lately about the role of the church, and particularly of St. Luke’s church, in our current American cultural and political conversation.  I have received more emails from members and constituents about current events over the last few months than in all my ministry.  I have listened to many sermons, studied the Scripture, read the writings of many Christian leaders, both past and current, and then I have prayed some more.  I am particularly indebted to the writings of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, and to Dr. John Ortberg of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, [...]

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