God of love,
Today, I give you thanks for my friends. These are people who have chosen, for whatever reason, to love me and allow me to love them in return. For their willingness…
  • To support me when I am struggling,
  • To laugh with me and share my joy,
  • To grieve with me when my heart is broken,
  • To care about the things I care about,
  • To challenge me when I stray from your path,
  • To work shoulder to shoulder for your kingdom with me,
  • To walk the road of life alongside me,
  • To lay down their lives in small and large ways for me.
I pray that I might be a friend to all those who need a friend today, to open myself up to the new opportunities for friendship you put in my path. I pray that those friendships might be portals through which the good news of your love might pass.
God, I am thankful that you have called me a friend. (John 15:15) I pray that I would be your friend as well, caring about what you care about, and laying down my life for you, a day, an hour, a minute at a time.