Dr. Tom Pace, Dr. Tom Pace lll, Senior Pastor St. Lukes UMC, Sr Pastor St Lukes


As always, I need your help. Holy Spirit, fill my whole self and guide me.

Give me a courageous voice to speak the truth as I see it, and the wisdom to know when to keep silent. Give me ears to hear, and a mind that is truly open to listen. Give me a heart that feels, and honest empathy for others. Give me eyes to see the world through the eyes of my brother or sister. Give me hands that serve both friend and enemy, and the commitment to make a difference rather than just making a point.

Teach me what really matters, God. To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you. (Micah 6:8) Take me over, God – all of me.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This Sunday, September 8, we continue our sermon series “Better Together.” In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul speaks of the diversity of gifts in the church. We have different passions as well, and each of us is to recognize the value of other passions, other voices, other gifts. How can we do that well, when we have different opinions about many things? We can be diverse in opinion but united in mission and love. This week, our sermon is titled “Every Voice Matters.”

Are your kids bored stiff in worship? Do you spend more time trying to keep them quiet than you do paying attention to the worship experience? Children’s Church resumes this Sunday from 10:50-12:00 for Kindergarten – grade 3 on the second floor of the Johnson Building. (Not grades 3-5 as originally printed.) Come and join the fun in an age-appropriate worship and learning experience.

Scripture + Shared is coming, beginning Sept. 29. This Fall we are studying the parables of Jesus. Download the Scripture + Shared app (different than the St. Luke’s app), and find a friend to join you in the study.

The best way to find a place to belong at St. Luke’s is to join a small group. Sign up for a Small Group and invite someone else to sign up, too! Visit https://storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org/small-groups-launch.

Men’s Life begins this Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This Fall, I will be teaching “Etched upon the Heart: the Power of Character in Life and Work.” If you want to register, go here.

Did you miss last week’s sermon on September 8? Watch it here.

Sunday, September 15
Gracious and Loving Father, I praise you for all the ways you are revealing yourself to me this day. I see you in the shining sun and the coolness of the cloud cover. I see you in the smile of a stranger and the belly laugh of a co-worker. I see you amidst the shadows of life too. You are present in the conflict with a loved one, the political discord in our nation, the traffic jams, the mistakes I make. I ask that you would continue to awaken me to your presence in all things. And as you awaken me, give me the willingness to accept your invitation to extend holy love to those right in front of me. May I be a piece of your love in my everyday world. Amen. -Prayer by Rev. Michelle Manuel

Monday, September 16
God of love, as we interact with co-workers today, we pray that your light would shine through us. We pray that you would help us be quick to listen and slow to speak. Please let our thoughts and words at work be a reflection of your great love. Amen.

Tuesday, September 17
Heavenly Father, Jesus used the Parable of the Prodigal Son to show us how much you love us and how you rejoice over every sinner who repents. Today, we pray for our prodigal sons and daughters who have gone astray or have left the church. Give them what they need to turn back to you, and then bring them home. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 18
Heavenly Father, we pray for healing for broken relationships. Give us the strength we need to apologize, to ask for forgiveness, to offer forgiveness, and to love unconditionally. Help us to use our words to build each other up and restore our broken relationships. Amen.

Thursday, September 19
Lord, we thank you for the gift of small groups here at St. Luke’s. We thank you for the staff, clergy, and volunteers that lead and organize these groups so that we may grow closer to you. We pray that you would bless our groups so that your love grows in us and between us. Amen.

Friday, September 20
Omniscient God, we thank you for the way you are always working in our lives to bring about positive change. Thank you for being a Master Creator who has a Master plan. All honor and glory are yours. Amen.

Saturday, September 21
God of all, we pray for our friends and loved ones who need to know about you and your love. We pray that you would soften hearts and open minds so that they may receive your Good News. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.