Meet the Neighbors by Claire Shane
One hot and sunny morning in early June my husband, Brian and I met with a small group of like minded individuals in the kitchen of the Gethsemane Church campus. We all came from different walks of life, but we had one goal in mind - to love and serve our neighbors. Jesus has called each one of us to love our neighbors as ourselves, even when those neighbors don’t always look or act like us. What a privilege it is to follow our Savior’s lead, and serve, rather than be served. With that in mind we set about decorating brown paper sacks, preparing sandwiches, and assembling lunches to distribute to the residents of a nearby apartment complex. Once the preparation was complete the fun began in earnest. We piled into our vehicles and headed to our destination. When we arrived we set up a tent and began to play music. [...]
The Choice is Easy by Rachel Fisher
When I say St. Luke’s is a part of my DNA, I am not exaggerating. My parents met and were married here, my siblings and I were baptized and confirmed here, and now I am a member and employee here! St. Luke’s has always been an unfailing, unwavering constant in my life, creating lasting friendships that still flourish today. Like so many generations before me, I spent every, single Sunday morning at St. Luke’s, from childhood all the way through high school. Upon graduation from college, I returned to Houston and prayed I would find a community in which I could grow. I found a class that, although the demographic was slightly older, allowed me to be part of an established group of Christians from whom I could learn and mature in my faith. I was out of my element, but still grateful to be back [...]
A Family Project – Ron Fisher’s Story
For St. Luke's member Ron Fisher, an usher at both the 9:45 and 11 AM traditional services, our greatly admired main sanctuary was truly a "family affair". Ron's father Louis and uncle Fred co-owned Fisher Construction Company which built our beautiful sanctuary. In addition, much of the lovely stone and brickwork for the sanctuary was thanks to the master craftsmanship of Louis and Fred's brothers, Paul and Ed. Before heading to SMU for college, even Ron's younger brother Bob worked on this important "family" project, laying brick inside the steeple. Bob, who later earned a PhD in Biomedical Electrical Engineering, was always especially proud of how straight his brickwork was. As Ron's youngest brother Bill was only five when the church was built, he was too young to work on this "family" project. But Bill too became an active, lifelong member of St. Luke's. His daughter Julie was baptized and later married by [...]
What a Wonderful Church to Be a Part Of by Robbie McDonough
The year was 2008. It was late summer, and I had just finished taking the Bar Exam when I got a call. “How would you feel about being my ‘consigliere’?” It was Rev. Justin Coleman. Rev. Coleman had been a mentor/friend since he was an associate director at the SMU Wesley Foundation while I was in undergrad. It was an ‘offer I couldn’t refuse’ (can you tell that Rev. Coleman and I share an affinity for the Godfather films?).Let’s back up. After graduating SMU and returning to Houston in 2005, my future wife, Ashley, and I were busy at work setting up our “adult” lives. Ashley began working at Texas Children’s Hospital as a registered nurse in the ICU and I was starting law school that fall. We began looking for a church and found St. Luke’s to be a great fit. For me, I already had a communal connection to [...]
Someone Trusted The Church by Bennie Vaughan
I will never forget a sermon illustration Dr. James W. Moore preached from the St. Luke’s pulpit. He reported a true event that occurred in his sister’s church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The pastor arrived at the church early on a weekday for a meeting. As he entered the office area from the parking lot, he was confronted with a young child sitting in the hall near the entry door. Lost and alone, the crying child was befriended by the pastor. The pastor took the child to the Day School Director certain that a child had wandered from the preschool area, which was a breach of the Safe Sanctuary policies of the congregation. The pastor expressed concern about the unsupervised child in the church building. The Day School Director agreed and explained that she did not know this little boy. She suggested he check with the child care staff, supervising children [...]