We’ve talking about hospitality at St. Luke’s – Open Hearts and Open Doors. Hospitality means so much more than a nice table setting or a welcome mat. It is a deep desire to connect with others. It is a focus on the other person rather than ourselves. It is a willingness to be inconvenienced, or even put one’s self at risk, to meet another’s needs. It is a desire for there to be no “us” and “them,” but only an “us.” It is a willingness to let others into our private space, and more importantly, a willingness to let others into our hearts.
Hospitality is a deeply Christian value. It is a part of the Jewish tradition, imbedded in the Old Testament, where welcoming the stranger is a way to remember that the people of Israel were once aliens, wanderers in a foreign land. Jesus invited tax collectors and sinners not just to hear him, but to sit at his table, to take the places of honor at the banquets. His parables uncovered a God who not only welcomes, but pursues even a single lost sheep.
Beginning September 10, for three weeks, our church family will be putting our hospitality into practice in some intentional ways. I hope you will consider inviting someone to come to worship with you (see inside back cover). Our sermon series is titled “Be A Builder: Three Biblical Practices for a Positive Life.” I believe your friends will enjoy it.
September 10
Fall Kickoff, with the 5 Habits Ministry Fair.
September 17
“Come and See Sunday”, with a special reception for guests (and ice cream!).
September 24
“Impact Sunday”, when we will focus on the impact of St. Luke’s ministries, share our vision for even greater impact and invite others to join in our mission.
“Welcome one another warmly,”
Paul says in Romans, “just as Christ has welcomed you…” Romans 15:7
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