When Deanna Wilson retired at 55, she and her husband Dick considered participating in Mainstreamers programs but thought they might be too young. Yet they kept seeing the St Luke’s bus at fun restaurants and reconsidered. “These people were so much older, and we didn’t really belong there, but we want to go to fun restaurants on the bus too!” And so began 21 years of fun with the senior adult program at St. Luke’s. They were indeed some of the youngest people onboard the bus, but sort of loved that! Mainstreamers programs provided them with excellent speakers and fun day trips. About fifteen years ago, the Wilsons even starred in “Saints Alive” a show that Mainstreamers produced.
Last year, her beloved husband, Dick, died and Deanna knew that she would have to keep involved with the Mainstreamers. “It’s such a wonderful, caring group of people. They support me, and we have such good times. St Luke’s is really my life. All of my life. I receive love from friendly, open and caring people. I am the greeter for our group, and if you come to one of the Mainstreamer gatherings, I’ll say to you, “Come sit by me at my table. Let me introduce you. Everyone—let’s welcome our new friend!”
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