2016 All Saints
We lovingly remember those who went before us, and pray a special blessing over their loved ones on this day of remembrance.
Gwendolyn Garrison Allen
Nancy North Bell
Jack Rutherford Brennan
Selma D. Brown
John Milton Buie
Allen Edward Cairnes
Bette Barcus Carpenter
David Frank Chapman
Evelyn Houstoun Chew
Doreen Clemens
James Conroy Davenport
Rhetta Duty Davis
William Francis Ellerbrock
Susan Barrick Garver
Patricia Lawson Gow
James Henry Herring III
Gerald James Heynen
Magnus Hjalmarson
Dona Gurtler Holland
James Nicholas Holland
Leonora Winkelmann Hueter
Robert F. Hutchings
Beulah Rae Markham Jarvis
Janet Rothrock Johnson
Charles Donald Jones
Thomas Frederick Jones Jr.
William Matthew Kapp
Stanley Cain Kirk Sr.
James Otho Knight
Guy Edmund Knolle Jr.
Robert Felton Krouse
Lee W. Lance Jr.
Vera Watkins House Leisk
Sara Houstoun Lindsey
William Little, Jr.
Richard Walter McCaine
David Melville McCullough
Thomas Michael Melo
Jean Ferguson Minor
Kenneth Cruse Minter
Betty Jane Bell Mohrman
Clinton F. Morse
James Charles Murphy
Barbara Myers
William Raymond Pharr
Christine Spence Powell
James Laurens Pratt
Gladys J. Rea
Dorese Midgley Reid
James Maurice Robison
Jeanne Roec Rose
Lucy Evelyn Smith
Stephanie Kerr Smither
Mattie Jo Thrasher
Joyce Oppermann Toellner
Rose M. Turo
Bonna Bess Vaughn
Elbertine Skaines Walters
Joyce Irene Wagner
Roy Kent Westmoreland
Linda K. White
Tressa Lea White
Jo-Ann Hayward Whitehead
Mary Alleta Coats Whitley
Ann Catlett Williams
Kathryn Lindsay Williams
Lynn Burke Windham Jr.
Cynthia Frances Winkelmann
Kimberly Wiseburn
Bobbye Jones Woodmansee
James Barney Yarbrough Jr.
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