Edith D. Nordloh
Scripture and Translation:
Micah 6:8 (NRSV) He has shown you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness (mercy) and to walk humbly with your God?
Matthew 7:1-2 (NRSV) Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For, with the judgment, you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.
My parents were generous people. They didn’t make a lot of money (my father was a high school teacher and my mother was a part time accompanist and piano teacher) but they were the kind of people who pitched in. That desire to be of use is something they passed on to me. However, as with many gifts my parents gave me, I have often gone a bit overboard with “trying to help.” My boss often has to remind me to “stay in my lane.” As a younger woman, this getting into other people’s business often got me into trouble in relationships and still causes me to get overwhelmed with things I have offered to do for others that sometimes get in the way of my own work. As a parent, I struggled to give my children the space to learn for themselves and experience to respect and trust their own decisions. Thankfully, they were given a great dad who provided some balance in that regard.
As is so often the case though, God has my back. God reminds me what is my work, and what is NOT my work. God invites me to stretch out my arms in each direction and note that my responsibility ultimately is within that circle. I am to attend to my own sin, and my own repentance. I am to reach out in kindness, but I am also to remember who is in charge.
What a gift God gives us in this. From my place here on the ground in my community, my city, my country, I have a ground level view. I don’t have the perspective to see the big picture or the tenure to see the long game. But I have a God who does, and I get to rest in the mercy and grace my loving Father has for me, do my small part and leave the strategic planning to the Big Guy. In the end, that is freedom and that is peace. I know my place and I know my job. Thanks be to God.
Gracious, Lord, when I try to run the show, help me to remember that you are in charge. When I try to do what is not my work, help me to remember that I am only one member in your body. When I bring my own judgment rather than reaching out in kindness and compassion, bring me to repentance. Help me to rest in the peace of knowing that you are my good and gracious Lord and I can rest in you. Amen.
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