I saw a T-shirt last week, while in line to go onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It said “Attempting To Care.” It struck me at first as somewhat cynical, but then I realized it probably summed up a lot of us. God, I confess my own compassion fatigue. I grow weary of the procession of people I see on TV affected by international crises, weather catastrophes, and personal misfortune. I drive by the homeless man on the street, and want to look away. I have enough trouble carrying my own burdens… I can’t carry the pain of the whole world, can I? And I am troubled that my compassion wanes, God. I know that the calluses on my heart shield me from the pain of others, but also from much love and joy.
God, your son grew weary, but never lost his compassion. He stopped to help the woman who just touched the hem of his cloak. He was always moved with compassion, and he never stopped caring, all the way to the cross. When people chased him around the sea of Galilee, he didn’t see them as a nuisance, but stopped to heal their sick and feed them the bread of life. O God, you made me in your image, and in the image of my brother Jesus Christ. Restore in me his compassion, that I may love as he loved.
In the name the compassionate one, I pray.
When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. – Matthew 14:14
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. – Colossians 3:12
What does your more significant bucket list look like? Are you more or less compassionate than you were 10, 20, or 50 years ago? What keeps you from being more compassionate?
This Sunday, May 7, we begin a new sermon series titled “Keeping it Simple.” Sometimes, we make living by Biblical principles more complicated than it needs to be. If you could condense the way of life Jesus taught us into a few simple principles, what would those be? Throughout May we will look at some simple verses to help us see more clearly how to live in this complicated world. I hope you will be with us each Sunday throughout May. This week, we will talk about the source, the essence, and the obstacles to compassion.
During the Month of May, all of our one dollar bills in the plate will go to support Sole Hope, a ministry that takes old blue jeans and turns them into shoes for vulnerable children in Africa, helping to prevent parasitic diseases while teaching and employing local Africans to make the shoes. Find out more about Sole Hope and how you can be involved here.
I want to issue to you a Summer Bible Study Challenge: Find a way to be in regular Bible Study with others this summer! Here at St. Luke’s you can do that in one (or more) of four ways:
- Read the daily Bible readings in your Scripture + Shared app. Download the app here.
- Sign up for the Bible in 90 days! You can do that here.
- Take the “Bible 101” class to learn foundational information about the Old Testament.
- Find a Bible Buddy, and if you didn’t do it before, go through the Journey to Jerusalem Study. The materials can be found on the Scripture + Shared app or on the website here.
We say “We study the Bible” is a habit, so let’s start a good habit this summer.
Sunday, May 7
Praise and thanks to our gracious God for our healing and continual growth so we may get stronger. Be with those who are struggling with illness or brokenness today, Lord. Amen.
Monday, May 8
Dear God, thanks for carrots; they are so yummy. I pray for Dr. Pace that he feels loved by you and everyone else. Thanks for all that you give to me. I love you Jesus. Amen.
-Prayer by Buddie (Child)
Tuesday, May 9
O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall of prayer around the United States of America. Lord help us to stand in the gap, where God is the helper and teacher. Amen.
Wednesday, May 10
Dear Lord, I seek the peace, comfort and guidance that I know is available to your children through the connection of prayer. Thank you, Lord that you love us even when we fail to live the life you expect of us. In Christ’s powerful name I pray, Amen.
Thursday, May 11
Father, thank you for being my God today. I would like to talk to you about poor people, and people who are homeless, hungry, thirsty, sick or injured. I pray for them to have salvation, healing, deliverance, protection, and prosperity. Please see that they have enough food, enough clean water, a good place to sleep tonight, and a relationship with you. Also, I ask you to show me what to do to help in this endeavor today. Thank you. Amen. -Prayer by Sue Schaefer
Friday, May 12
Lord, Thank you for your love. Please give me the faith to have full trust in you. Help me to not be so anxious. Instead show me how to help others through your love. Amen. -Prayer by Christina Smith
Saturday, May 13
Father, I seek your guardianship for my loved ones. Thankfully, I know you have a plan for them and I trust that your care is only a prayer away. Let me release my concerns and grow my trust to “let go and let God” when I feel the separation of miles. Through the study of your word, we are assured that your presence is always available to your children. Praise the Lord! Amen.
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