I pray that I do not use your name in vain. May I not use your name to make a bigger church that makes us look more successful and relevant, but instead use your name only for your agenda of gathering all of your children to you, and being an instrument of your kingdom. May I not use your name to promote religion, but rather faith and a relationship with you. May I not use your name to grow my business so I will be richer, or get my candidate elected, or promote the interests of my country over another. May I not use your name to make myself more acceptable socially, or so that I might be respected at the city gate. May I never use your name to promote hatred, or division, or narrow-mindedness. May I never attribute to you things that were brought about by the evil at work in a broken world.
Oh God, forgive me, for I know I have misused your name, and I have spoken it in ways that do not match your character. I suspect I have even convinced myself that I was using it for your agenda, but you know it was for my own. Open my eyes that I might see the truth, and not co-opt the grace you have given me for my own selfish purposes.
God, as we propose this plan for the church I love so much, I pray that it is not our plan but yours, and that if it is not, pull us toward your agenda and your purposes.
In Christ, I pray…
This week, I am glad to be back from vacation as we continue our sermon series entitled “Ten Words that Matter.” We will be looking throughout the summer at the Ten Commandments and what they mean for Christians who live by grace instead of law. We will take a look this Sunday at the third commandment, dealing with misusing the name of the Lord, in a sermon entitled “God’s Heart and My Words.” Come and join us each week, and if you are gone traveling, watch us on LiveStream or listen to the podcast to keep up.
This summer, I have begun a new discipline of exercise, getting back to the gym after an absence of some time. It is hard getting started again, but feels good to have forced the discipline back into my life. I also now am off of French fries altogether, cold turkey. I heard that eating them significantly increases one’s chance of dying early. I have my two week French fry sobriety chip. I wonder if there is a new discipline you might want to start this summer? Bible Study? Prayer? Tithing? Working less and spending more time with family and friends? Spending less or differently? Summer can be a good time to start such things.
Sunday, June 25
Good and gracious God, help us to remember that we are your beloved children. When we are tempted to prove our worth on our own, all we need to do is remember that we belong to you. We love you and pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen. -Prayer by Katie Montgomery Mears
Monday, June 26
God, we pray for St. Luke’s ministers. We ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and sustain them in their ministries and to give them courage to follow where the Holy Spirit leads them. Amen.
Tuesday, June 27
Lord, be with those who are suffering from illness, depression, and sadness. May they find your love and peace on this day. Amen.
Wednesday, June 28
Gracious and loving God, in these times when it sometimes seems that we are under a constant barrage of circumstances seeking to divide us as a nation, a world, and a people, help us remember that we have more in common than the differences we experience. Remind us particularly that we are all equal in your eyes – equally loved, equally created, and equally free to live in your grace. Thank you God for giving us so much in common. Amen. -Prayer by Todd Greenwalt
Thursday, June 29
Dear Lord, thank you for this day and the joy to live in this beautiful world you created. Please be with our Friends at Home members. May they feel your loving arms around them and know how much St. Luke’s cares about them! Amen.
Friday, June 30
Dear Lord, thank you for being a God of love and grace. Please grant me the strength to walk consistently in a way that glorifies you. Amen.
Saturday, July 1
Lord I pray for those among us who are poor or homeless. Provide them with the shelter and food that they need for their daily sustenance. Put people in their life who will help them to know your love and find a new life in your grace. Amen.
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