We pray. We study the Bible. We make friends. We tell our stories. We give ourselves away in generosity and service.



O God,

In the days after Easter, the disciples huddled in that same upper room in Jerusalem, and there they prayed. They waited and prayed to be clothed with power from on high.

Instead, O God, I find myself working and fretting, worrying and wondering and wandering. Yes, you know I am praying, too. But somehow, my prayers feel different from those prayers of the disciples. Too often, I think that the important stuff is the “real work” that I do, and that my prayers are extras just to keep me focused on what matters. Oh God, apart from you, I can do nothing. Unless you build the house, all my building is labor in vain. Help me to trust you and be drawn into your work, rather than ask you to bless mine. Let me pray, and wait, and pray, and wait, and then, when I feel your prompting, I can join in your labor.

I pray in the name of Jesus the Christ, Amen.



Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Read the whole scripture for this Sunday’s sermon here: Psalm 23.


What hard times has God seen you through and how have they affected your perspective and faith? What is your general level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with your life?



  • This week in worship, we begin our series on the 23rd Psalm. “I shall not want.”Do you find yourself “wanting?” Do you end up getting what you want? Or, rather, have you learned to want what you’ve got? We will talk this week about the notion of God’s provision, “Yahweh Yireh,” one of the names of God – “the God who provides.” I hope you will come and join us.
  • Don’t forget to come this weekend to “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” put on by our Pure Sound young people. Times are Friday-Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p.m.  Tickets are $10 / $5 for children 12 and under. You can purchase tickets online atstorage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org/joseph, or at the door (so long as there are seats left to be sold)


Sunday, April 3
Gracious Father, you sent your son to teach us about your Kingdom ways and to be sacrificed for our sins. Give us strength to follow Jesus’ ways, and forgive us when we are weak and sinful. Lead us to your paths of righteousness and take us further along in our journeys of faith. Amen.

Monday, April 4
Loving Father, we thank you for a new week full of new opportunities. Please be present with us and guide our steps this week. Help us to see new opportunities to make a difference in your world. Let our thoughts, words and actions point the world back to you. Amen.

Tuesday, April 5
Personal Prayer Day
In the world today, there are many people who do not know God’s love or who are away from church. Pray for people you know who need to experience a loving relationship with God. Pray for them by name, and ask God to show you how you can best help them.

Wednesday, April 6
Dear God, today we come to you seeking peace. You know our inner struggles, the struggles within our families, the struggles at work and the struggles within our world. Through it all, help us to focus on you and give us your patience and peace so that we may bring your light into the world. Amen.

Thursday, April 7
Personal Prayer Day
God has blessed us in so many ways; yet we often take his blessings for granted. Make a list of all of the ways God has blessed you today. Then, go to God with prayers of thanksgiving for his blessings.

Friday, April 8
Dear God, in the chaos of our world, give us peace. In the midst of our burdens, give us strength. In our darkest times, give us encouragement. In all things, give us your eyes to see. Amen.

Saturday, April 9
God, thank you for your unending love. Thank you for always loving me even at my worst. Thank you for knowing me inside and out and still loving me. Thank you for giving me your love and showing me how to love others. Amen.