Our inside-out habits: We pray. We study the Bible. We make friends. We tell our stories. We give ourselves away in generosity and service.
Dear God,
When I was young, I was so full of passion and enthusiasm, or at least that is how I remember it. I wanted to do everything there is to do. You remember how I was, God. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, yada yada yada. Somewhere along the way, then, I lost some of that fire in the belly. Did I just get tired? Did everyday life somehow take its toll? It isn’t all that bad. Now my steps are more ordered, more disciplined, and I guess I make more progress. I care much less about many things, but care much more about a few things.
Mostly, God, now I see the days slipping by and realize that each day is precious. There are gifts from you to be received and celebrated, work that is important to be accomplished, challenges to be met, and I don’t want to miss any of it.
Ok, I admit it. Some days, life can be a grind. But I do know the secret to rejoicing in the midst of that grind. I will grind away with you. We will do it together, and that will be pure joy.
This Sunday, May 20, we continue our sermon series called “Keeping Your Amateur Status.” The word “amateur” comes from the French word meaning “lover.” Do you do what you do because you love it? Do you still approach life and others with passion? Or has life and relationship and faith become just a job for you? The last two weeks of May – Senior Sunday and Memorial Day Weekend, we will challenge ourselves to make a choice to love – love one another, love life, and love God. This week, we will look at daily life and work, and consider how to receive each day as a gift. Come and join us.
This Sunday is Senior Sunday, and we will recognize and hear from our graduating high school seniors. Please join us as we celebrate this important milestone and transition in their lives.
Lots of important things coming up as we head into summer…
· Consider doing one of our Adult Summer Studies: Equipped to Serve, Bible in 90 Days, Bible 101, Financial Peace, and Leadership Lessons for the Second Half of Life. Sign up here.
· Join our Scripture + Shared Summer Bible Reading Program during June, as we study the Psalms. Look here to join in.
· Vacation Bible School is coming and you need to sign up now, and we would love your help. Jump in here.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me -Philippians 4:13b
As you have grown older, what secret have you learned about choosing to love life? What feels like a grind that you can choose to claim as a gift?
Sunday, May 20
God, we lift up to you all of our students who are graduating this year. We pray that you would give them divine wisdom and revelation as they make decisions about their future. We ask God that you would guide their choices and bless them so that they may become all that you have planned for them to be. Amen.
Monday, May 21
Heavenly Father, I long for your presence in my everyday life. Make me more aware of you in my thoughts, conversations, and activities. Please take my fears and my challenges and fill them with your presence. Amen. -Prayer by Jeff Smith
Tuesday, May 22
Lord, we pray for those who do not know of your powerful love and redeeming work. Put people in their lives who will guide them closer to your presence. Amen.
Wednesday, May 23
Lord Jesus, we pray for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. Help them to fight this illness with your strength. Let your peace and presence reign in their lives. Amen.
Thursday, May 24
Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the children of St. Luke’s. Please watch over them and keep them safe over the summer. Please guide them and grow them in your ways. Pour out your blessings on them all the days of their lives. Amen.
Friday, May 25
Father, we thank you that you love us enough to send your only son to die for our sins. We pray that you would help us to bear witness to your great love when the opportunity arises. Give us the right words to say at the right time to glorify you. Amen.
Saturday, May 26
God of creation, guide us to be good stewards of the earth that you created. Give us a sense of responsibility to leave things better than we found them. We thank you God for the beauty of this world. Amen.
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