Friends, as the rainstorm approaches, please watch our website for information about worship on Sunday…
Gracious God,
The storm approaches, and deluge and floods threaten. We find ourselves anxious about safety, about possessions, about comfort, about those we love. Pour over us with your love, and take away our anxiety, and put our trust in you. We pray for all who are affected by this storm, and that you might show us how to respond, putting our faith to work in love. (Galatians 5:6)
God, turn our attention to others. Help us to put aside our own needs, that we might care about the needs of others. Remind us to love not just our friends, but the Samaritan and the tax collector, the outcast, the misfit and the adversary, too. Inspire in us an urgency to reach those who sit outside the circle, those who know not the community of love that you offer, those for whom hope is elusive, those whose illusion of self-sufficiency holds you at arms’ length. We pray that nobody would miss the party that is your kingdom.
We are bold to pray for our church, that we would be a magnet of hospitality for the people you love. What people? All people.
In the name Jesus, the host of the party, we pray…
Then the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled. – Luke 14:23
In what ways do you find yourself a “consumer Christian” where the experience is all about what you want? Whom have you considered “them” that you could seek to understand as “us?” Why do you believe people choose not to be a part of the community of faith?
This week, we continue our three week series on the Biblical practice of hospitality, entitled “Open Hearts and Open Doors.” Last week, we looked at a definition of hospitality, and the basis for our Christian hospitality — we have a radically hospitable God. This Sunday, we are going to look at the mindset of Jesus, shared in the gospel of Luke, that all people matter to God. During the month of September, we will try to put it into practice as we intentionally focus on reaching out to others to invite them into relationship. If you are not able to join us in church this Sunday, watch us where you are via LiveStream, watch the replay of the sermon online, or listen to the Podcast.
Don’t forget to sign up for one of our group studies. This is the time to make your plans to get into a Bible study or Christian study of some sort this Fall. St. Luke’s has set a goal of 2000 people in Bible Study in community by the end of 2017. Go to the group life page here.
Sunday, August 27
God, grant me a gentle spirit that I may be a comfort to those who need encouraging words, a soft touch, a helping hand, and a listening ear. Amen.
Monday, August 28
Dear God, yesterday’s sermon was amazing, but now I am back in the real world of temptation. Be with me and guide me so that I may exercise self-control and keep my focus on you. Amen.
Tuesday, August 29
Lord, let me be aware of times to bear witness to your great love. Help me to always be present in the moment and to use all that I have to further your Kingdom. Amen.
Wednesday, August 30
Gracious God, you have generously blessed me in my life. Even in the hard times, I can see where you have been working on my behalf. In response to your great generosity, I offer you my money, my time, my reputation, my future, my life and my prize possessions for your Kingdom’s purpose. Amen.
Thursday, August 31
Dear God, we thank you for the pastors of St. Luke’s. We thank you for the ways that they have worked hard over the years to study your word and learn your ways, so they can teach us. We thank you for the ways they whole heartedly invest their time and energy in us and encourage us in our faith journeys. We pray that you would bless them and encourage them as they obediently serve you. Help them to know how much we love and appreciate them. Amen.
Friday, September 1
Dear God, today we pray for discernment. Guide us into the ways you would have us go, and then give us the strength to follow where you lead us. We trust in your great wisdom, Lord. Amen.
Saturday, September 2
Jesus, I pray for healing and joy for those who need it most today. Remind them of your great love and show them that they are not alone by placing people in their paths who will care for them. Thanks for every blessing, Lord. Amen.
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