by Laurie Noteboom
God is with us – Emmanuel.
Last night we celebrated the arrival of Emmanuel, the coming of God to earth in the form of an innocent child. God’s re-gifted presence.
A baby who grew into a man who would teach, heal and love our world. God’s re-gifted presence.
A promise, spoken by this man, that even after his death on a Friday, he would remain Emmanuel. He would be with us always. God’s re-gifted presence.
Obedience to a direction, given to the most loyal disciple, that a church be built so God’s word could spread. God’s re-gifted presence.
This beautiful sanctuary, our forbearers’ own obedience, where we come to worship, and pray and be reminded Jesus is still with us. God’s re-gifted presence.
The handshake or hug in the church hallway from a friend, signaling you are cared for and not alone. God’s re-gifted presence.
The nudge in your spirit to help your neighbor when you see they need it because you want them to know they are cared for and not alone. God’s re-gifted presence.
The forgiveness shown as your family ignores your harsh words and treats you as the person they know you strive to be. God’s re-gifted presence.
Your pardons of a co-worker who oversteps or underperforms to show you are there to support rather than retaliate. God’s re-gifted presence.
A letter of encouragement or financial gift that arrived at the exact right moment from someone who knew you needed the assistance. God’s re-gifted presence.
Your helping hand outstretched to a stranger living in circumstances you can never imagine because you do not want them to carry that hardship alone. God’s re-gifted presence.
Our world a better place because we each do our part to spread the message of Jesus’ birth and all that it means. Emmanuel. God’s re-gifted presence.
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