I have discovered that most folks don’t like to talk about sin much. Actually, I don’t like to talk about sin much. But sin is real. It is “crouching at the door.” Sometimes, I find myself stuck in a pattern of living and thinking that I know miss the mark. Like St. Paul, I want to do good, but the very thing I want to avoid is the thing I find myself doing. I won’t detail it all here where others can read the list – but you know what it is God, and we have talked about the list quite a lot. Sometimes, I see progress. But often, I find myself right back where I started. Ergh. Is that a good prayer word? Ergh. I just can’t seem to find my way free of the sin which entangles me.
The truth is that I want to let go of my old way of life, my old patterns of thought, but I also want to hang onto it all. How can I feel both ways at the same time?
Well, God, I hear you telling me that you have a way out for me. That way out is your grace in Jesus Christ, and the transforming (sanctifying) work of the Holy Spirit in my life. You tell me that you will pick me up from my own stuckness and put me down right in the midst of your new future for me. I don’t have to do it by the strength of my willpower. And you will do it not because of what I have done or not done, but because your Son has interceded for me. I just have to let you do for me what I cannot do for myself. I am ready to be done with these lesser ways, and not linger or look back.
In the name of Jesus, who is my way out of this mess I continually seem to make. Amen.
This Sunday, June 30, I will continue our sermon series “Father Abraham Had Many Sons (and Daughters).” This week, we will consider Lot, who is Abraham’s nephew, and his escape from Sodom and Gomorrah before the cities’ destruction. Is there something from which you need to escape? The title of the message this Sunday is “Don’t Look Back.”
The memorial service celebrating the life of Dr. James W. Moore will be on Tuesday, July 2, at 1:00 pm in St. Luke’s Sanctuary. Live Stream, as well as a place to share a message with Jim’s family, is at https://storage.storage.stlukesmethodist.org/celebrating-the-life-of-dr-jim-moore/
Welcome home today to a group of our Chancel Choir, home from singing and touring in the United Kingdom, representing us as ambassadors for Christ.
Sunday, June 30
Our Father in Heaven, thank you for our pastors. We are so blessed to have the wisdom, kindness and compassion they share with us. We pray that you continue to speak through them in their words and actions. Continue to give them strength and courage in their ministry and let them be a blessing to the church, the city, and the world. Amen.
Monday, July 1
Thank you, God, for creating and loving all of us. Help us to accept people we meet who are different from us, to see each person as your creation and to show each of them your love. Amen.
Tuesday, July 2
Dear Heavenly Father, Moments of shock and unknown following a catastrophe can be so very jarring. I pray for all of those who may be suffering from any sort of weather disaster. Help my brothers and sisters remember that you are with them and that they are not alone. I pray for healing and loving support. Amen.
Wednesday, July 3
Our Father, we pray for those in need of your healing touch as the great physician. We ask you to bless each of them according to their need whether the healing needed is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. If healing isn’t imminent, we pray you will bestow comfort, freedom from pain and peace of mind. We ask all of this in your Son’s holy name. Amen.
Thursday, July 4 – Independence Day
Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the freedom of our nation on this day, help us to remember that true freedom comes through you. We thank you for the blessings of freedom, peace, and prosperity that you have bestowed upon our nation. We thank you for those who have given their lives to keep our country free. We pray that you would help us to be good stewards of our country’s resources and that you would guide our country’s leaders to do what is right in your eyes. We pray for your continued blessings on our nation. May we always be “One nation under God.” Amen.
Friday, July 5
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the goodness and beauty in my life, gifts from You. When I wake each morning, may I praise Your name. And may I remember at the end of each of my days, to thank you for all You have placed in my life. In Your precious name I pray, Amen.
Saturday, July 6
Heavenly Father, I pray for all of the aspects of our church that are currently in transition. Please help everyone find the gaps that need to be filled, and guide them to the best people to fill them. I pray for patience and openness during this turbulent time. Help us remember that we can accomplish so much more together than apart. Amen.
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