With child-like faith and a natural compassion, VBS goers saw a need, understood how to meet it, and did something. Some even set up lemonade stands to raise money for other kids’ shoes – kids they will never meet. Through their generosity, the kids raised $7,665 that helped purchase 511 pairs of shoes. While I could fill a BIG book with all the ways I heard, saw and experienced our children, teens and adult leaders growing in God’s super hero powers throughout our VBS week, there was a poignant experience I wish to share.
At the end of VBS on Wednesday, a 3 ½ year old girl pulled her mother over to the large VBS Mission Board as they neared the exit. She knelt down and studied each picture with great intensity – children with sores on their feet; children wearing shoes that were 3 sizes to small; children with no shoes at all walking on rocks. She touched each paper shoe that represented a new pair of shoes that we had already raised for The Shoe That Grows.
She then, gently and intently, moved her fingers across the board as she focused in on each section as she took it all in. She looked back at me and said, “They need shoes.” Then, she looked up at her mom, tugged on her arm so she would sit down with her and said, “Mommy, look! We need to give them shoes.”
She guided her mom’s fingers over the pictures and the paper shoes. She needed us to know what her heart and mind already knew – ALL children deserve to have shoes that fit and we were the ones to help them. This young girl taught us that God’s heroes have heart, courage, wisdom, hope and power to do amazing things in God’s name. She is God’s super hero!
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